2.3 Using Docker for pre-compiled environment setup

Some users may choose to use pre-compiled containers to run ArchR instead. Containers allow for the creation of pre-compiled environments that already have all of the necessary dependencies pre-installed. This is a great option for users who may not have the time or resources to set up their own environment.

We also provide Docker images, built off of rocker/rstudio, that already have ArchR and all dependencies pre-loaded.

The latest version can be found at:


and other versions, including images built with differing R versions, can be found at:


To utilize these images, the user can first install Docker as mentioned in their documentation

Following, create a container using the following command:

docker image pull immanuelazn/archr:latest
docker run -it --rm -v <your_workspace>:/workspace -p <your_port_of_interest>:8787

This will spin up a container that has Rstudio turned on by default. Rstudio can be accessed through:


If you would like an interactive bash console instead, the following command can instead be called:

docker run -it --rm -v <your_workspace>:/workspace -p <your_port_of_interest>:8787 bash